Whether you're working as normal over the summer or planning time off, marketing your translation business is important.

This challenge is ideal if you have any concerns about taking time off in the summer because you don't want to miss out on work or income. Or returning after the holidays a little on edge because you feel like you need to make up for the time you were away.

Let's sprint together for a marketing push while your clients are still likely to be in the office.

We start Monday 1st July (next week!) and will run for 5 days.

What to expect

  • Daily emails from me with a marketing activity designed to get you in front of your target clients. I'll ask you to stretch yourself beyond what you currently do and provide examples and suggestions along the way.
  • Podcast – short audios so you can keep up with the challenge while enjoying the sunshine on a walk (or while loading the dishwasher, I see you). Optionally delivered as a podcast, the audio files will also be with the challenge page so you can choose how you prefer to access them.
  • Accountability in Slack – share ideas, get support and inspiration as well as check in when you've completed the actions and to ask questions if/when you get stuck.
  • Workbook – keep track of your actions and results. You'll be able to see what's effective and use it to repeat the challenge again every time you need a marketing boost.
  • Behind the scenes Do you want to see what I'm doing and my results? It's always fun to nose around and see what others are doing. I'll share my week in a Google doc – but don't let it distract you from taking action, I'll be keeping an eye out and there are prizes for the top action taker!
  • Challenge debrief call on Zoom (timing TBC) after the challenge week so you can ask any follow-up questions and next steps.
  • Fun! No one wants boring and uninspiring, especially me, so expect a light-hearted (but no less effective) and easier approach to marketing than you've experienced so far.

How much time to set aside for the challenge depends on your current workload. I'd suggest allocating 1 hour a day to take action, check in with the rest of the group. But if your schedule is looking empty then there are lots of ways you can ramp things up and take it further. Equally, you can whizz through the suggested actions if you're used to marketing. If life happens, as it has a tendency to do, you have ongoing access to the materials so you can catch up or repeat the challenge at any time.

What if you're going on holiday? Unless you're going on holiday for the entire month, this challenge will be a great boost of marketing that will keep working for you while you're away and generate some work ready for your return. You can tell people when you have availability and align your marketing and offers so they work for your specific situation.

What if you don’t have capacity right now?

I'm almost booked up in July, have 2 weeks' holiday booked across July + August and will still be marketing. Making the right connections now means you can build on those conversations when you/your new contacts get back from holiday. Think ahead to September when companies are raring to get stuck into exciting new projects. If you've already made the right relationships, you're the translator who they'll call.

You're going to make me promote myself, aren't you? I don't want to be pushy or salesy and I never know what to say.

Well, yes, #sorrynotsorry. I am going to encourage you to take direct marketing action and talk about how you can help your target clients. Otherwise, how will they know you exist and can help? But we're going to do it in a way that feels right for you, I've got no shortage of ideas and suggestions for how to confidently market your business without the ick.

Make this your best summer yet!

You may have taken part in free challenges before and that button above takes you to a payment page.

This isn't your usual challenge. There's a lot of work that goes into creating a guided challenge like this with all the extra resources and support I'm offering. I run these regularly inside The Expedition Group (my membership group for translators) with great feedback.

Free challenges have a high drop-out rate. Yep, I've signed up for things and barely opened the emails too. But that's not going to get you the exciting enquiries and interesting projects you want from your ideal clients. And I really, really, really want you to get tangible results by the end of the week so you'll find this challenge packed with practical strategies and a lot of encouragement to take action.